Westover's mission is "More Than Us, More Than Here."
Elise grew up attending this church and it has become her extended family. After returning from college, Elise started designing for the church, including a full rebrand, new website, business cards, email signatures, the works. She created templates for others to use, keeping consistency across all of Westover's digital and printed materials.
Pastor for Straightway Ministries, Stanley Clark, is a man of many passions; one is helping his community, another is BBQ.
His love for meat and our love for design lead to the logo and identity for Smokehouse BBQ. From signage, to menus, to business cards, and web, we conceptualized a consistent design language across all his branding needs.
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We had the opportunity to establish a new logo and cohesive look and feel for Paul's Lawn & Landscape.
Working with local developer, George Reason, we designed a fully responsive new website for Paul to establish himself as a high-end one-stop-shop for Landscaping, Lighting, Irrigation, and more.
Check the site out for yourself here.
Role: Branding, Visual Design, Web Design
Michael's passion project. A tabletop game, played with 2-4 players. Captain your own Greek vessel on the dangerous seas, encountering sea monsters, strange items, and dire circumstances while accumulating wealth to upgrade your ship.
Learn More At The Voyage of Argo Website
This tool collects data and delivers insights to maximize field potential. This easy-to-use website offers value to farmers, realtors, and home buyers alike. Through research and onsite meetings with this client, we worked together to build a user experience and visual design that stood out among the competition.
Logged in users are granted full access through the app and can add their fields, set goals, and be given recommendations through advanced algorithms and the agricultural community.
Role: User Experience, Visual Designer
While at Chaotic Moon, Michael played the role of UI/UX, creating a native app for both phone and tablet. Lots of consideration went into making the experience as simple as possible for finding deals, the checkout process, and reordering. 100+ screen wireframes were created to capture all the various states across the experience.
Technical hurdles had to be considered and designed around, such as the 3rd party ordering process Pizza Hut uses for online orders.
The mobile app was a big success, doubling Pizza Hut's online sales.
Worked with GameStop to create a native iOS app for mobile.
I thought through the application's epics, features, and flows, creating a large application map, helping the user get to the content they want to see quick and effortlessly. We decreased the checkout flow from 7 steps to just 3 steps.
Credit to Andy Armstrong for the solid visual design work.
Role: Interaction Designer
Conoco Phillips approached Chaotic Moon (Now Fjord), wanting a data-visualization drilling dashboard to measure success and bring attention to potential dysfunction. Working with a team of other designers, I designed an interface that focuses on a 3D drill that animates using real-time data. Meters and gauges fluctuate and change color to indicate the health of the drill attributes.
Role: User Experience, Interaction Designer
The Lab is a workbench for building Magic Leap applications. It’s an expandable platform, providing developers what they need to build the future of Mixed Reality. Michael helped improve the design of this award winning suite of tools even further.
Role: UI/UX Designer